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Tips for every new motherSeptember 18, 2018

Call it the first part of motherhood or the last part of pregnancy, the first few weeks after delivery always seem crazy. You are tired all the time, your bottom is sore after wearing sanitary napkins for 4 weeks back to back, your baby is always hungry and there is no dearth of visitors streaming in. You will be smelling a combination of medicines, baby shampoo, breast milk, baby poo and pee. There is always spit up on your clothes. In short, you are a mess. Many moms had a totally different picture when they were pregnant.

So what are you going to do about it? First things first. Relax. Motherhood was never meant to be easy. You were chosen to raise your baby because no one can do it better than you can. Most Indian cultures let the mother rest during this time. Trust us, that is exactly what you are supposed to do. Sleep when the baby sleeps. Rest whenever you can. Your body is going through a lot right now. You are not doing yourself a favour by worrying about the laundry or cooking. Even if you are worried, just call us at Life Maid Easy and we can help you out.

Most mothers fret about caring for their new born, especially if it’s their first child. As you feel better at the end of the first month, here are a few things that will help you along the way.

How to Calm a Crying Baby 

By now, you can tell when your baby is hungry, uncomfortable or tired. If your baby isn’t any of those, then try these methods of soothing your crying baby:

Feed your baby. Most babies just need that few little suckles to fall asleep.

Lull your baby. Some babies still want to feel the comfort of the womb. So gently rock, sway or walk with the baby in your arms. If you were listening to any song while you were pregnant or singing to your baby while you were pregnant, try singing it. The familiarity helps the baby feel comfortable and fall asleep.

Winding-There may be a burp that didn’t get out. Giving a gentle full-body massage and patting your baby’s back may release a trapped burp. Try a different technique of winding so that can release the burp. Don’t be surprised if it goes out a tiny fart.

Distractions –Sometimes it’s the air. Take your baby outside for a short time. We all know the wonders of fresh air. It will do you some good too.

Lower your voice, move more slowly, stop whatever hasn't been working and simply cuddle your baby in a dimly lit room.

How to Care for the Cord Stump: Clean and dry are what you need to remember for the umbilical cord. That means only sponge baths for the first 10-12 days, until the cord and attached clamp shrivel up and fall off. To avoid irritation from diapers, just fold the diaper down. If you see signs of infection (yellowish discharge, foul smell, or redness), call your pediatrician.  

How to Bathe Your Baby: Till the chord stump falls off a sponge bath in luke warm water usually will do the trick. Make sure the genitals are clean after every poo and pee. Normally one bath a day should do. A full bath is likely to dry out your baby’s sensitive skin. Before you begin bathing your baby have all your supplies — towel, washcloth, baby soap and shampoo — within reach before you begin. Stick with mild, unscented products formulated for babies. Pay special attention to the folds in the neck, under the arms and the creases in joints, which are especially prone to rashes. To keep your baby from getting cold, shampoo her hair at the end of the bath. Although some little ones enjoy a bath massage, oils and lotions should be used with the permission of your paediatrician. Most paediatricians Life Maid Easy’s team spoke to, warn against using talcum powders, which are easily inhaled.

How to Trim Your Baby's Nails

Your baby's tiny but terribly sharp nails probably will need to be trimmed before you're even discharged from the hospital. Use nail cutters designed especially for infants, as they give you more control than adult cutters. You might want to trim your baby's nails when she's asleep or after you've fed her and she's calm and drowsy, but keep in mind that you may not be able to do all 10 fingers in one sitting. A little bleeding may happen, especially in your first few attempts. Blotch it with a cotton pad or gauze to and leave it open. Your baby may choke on the bandage, if you do.

How to Read a Dirty Diaper 

Don’t let the diaper or nappy scare you. If your baby is passing urine and stool it’s a sign that your baby's digestive system is working and she's getting enough to eat. In this regard, urine is more important than poop. If you are using only disposable diapers, 5-6 diapers a day are normal for a well fed baby.

Poop output is more variable. "Formula-fed babies may have two or three bowel movements a day. Anything is normal as long as the baby is not passing hard little balls, which means your baby is constipated. Some breastfed babies have a bowel movement for every feeding, while others go as long as several days. Normally your child can tell you what’s normal for a day. It's normal for babies to have loose, mushy stools, but something is wrong if the poop is watery rather than the consistency of mustard or pudding. A breastfed baby's stools typically are yellow and "seedy," while a formula-fed baby's can be yellow or green.

When changing diapers, wipe little girls from front to back to avoid urinary tract infections. For boys, clean the bottom, moving under the testicles. Then with a separate cloth/wipe clean the penis. If your pediatrician agrees, use a wet baby washcloth or cotton balls instead.

There you go. MYWOMB has listed out some of the basics in new born care. Remember to trust your instinct. If you feel something is wrong call your paediatrician.


Life Maid Easy Editorial Team

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